Category Archives: Uncategorized

Delight in White

Without a doubt you too have noticed the white wipe-out trend.  It’s all well and good if you are a size 8(hiss) but when we have heard “White makes you look bigger” for years, this is not a trend that many will feel confident enough to follow.

In all honestly, while some colours can be more flattering than others, nothing makes you slimmer than to be Confident. And that means wearing and experimenting with colours and trends in a way which makes you feel comfortable.  That’s exactly what I did by adding some neutral shades to the mix.  Do not worry, I will be braving the total White Wipe-out trend very very soon.  Until then, delight in some white ;-D


I find that adding different gradients of white helps to break up the look.!

Screenshot_2015-05-12-11-55-52-1[1]Screenshot_2015-05-12-13-05-41-1[1] So what are you waiting for .. Delight in a SOME white….. I DARE YOU!

Jacket from New look Tall

Blouse from Next

Jeans from Dorothy Perkins  Tall

Satchel bag from New Look

Sandals from Primark (secret finds)

floral focal print

This spring, don’t just blend seamlessly into the background.

Be The Focal Point in a Floral Print.

Take a fashion stand with bold floral, petal prints.  With the different shades in this one dress, picking the perfect matching accessories was easy….  Actually I was spoilt for choice.

To go Gold

Can you tell I had fun shooting this look? Confidence is definitely amplified when you feel good
Can you tell I had fun shooting this look? Confidence is definitely amplified when you feel good


Not sure if ASOS know but the thin back heel on this shoe makes it special!
Not sure if ASOS know but the thin back heel on this shoe makes it special!

Or to go Orange

The side pockets on this dress is total handy. you can keep your phone with you at all times to capture those moments and of-course one or twenty selfies. ;-)
The side pockets on this dress is totally handy. You can keep your phone with you at all times to capture those moments and of-course one or twenty selfies. 😉


I am in love with the print, colour and general shaping of this dress.  It is flattering and #fashionedaroundmycurves. However, the cool 100% cotton fabric makes this dress slightly on the snug side.  On the brighter side you can be snugged yet cool???

This is the problem with being a woman … too much choice. Which combination do you prefer? Comments in the box below.

Don’t forget to keep up with me on instagram @ijaykheavens


Dress from Asos tall wiggle dress

Gold shoes from Asos

Orange sandals by London Rebel

Sunglasses from Chloe

That non-aging black dress

Whether it’s mini, midi or long, a black dress is a must have. Three years later (dont judge me I have hoarding tendencies) I teamed mine with a leather Obi waist belt and Tan peep toe boots

This belt will give any one an hourglass figure to die for.
This belt will give any one an hourglass figure to die for.



Do you have a ‘non-aging’ black dress? Share how you revive yours in the comments box

Dress from Topshop, Boots – Next , Belt – ASOS, Bag from BHS

Hello world!… And we have lift off

Its really hard to know where to begin… but I am just going to start and hope it makes sense somewhere along the line.

My name is Ijay, thanks for taking front row seats as I share my dream.  All this has been a reoccurring dream which I have boldly decided to live.  Like most dreams they can be vivid at times but you never really know what will happen next or where it will take you.

Connect with me on Instagram @ijaykheavens
